25 SEP 2013 by ideonexus
Explaining the Name "ideonexus"
The name "ideonexus" is not an English word, but it is a combination of two words: "ideo" and "nexus." The "ideo" is a version of the word "idea" (想法) that we use in compound words, like "ideology." The word "nexus" means "intersection" (路口), "relationship" (关系), or "connection" (连接). So the name "ideonexus" is something I made up to symbolize my interest in connecting and relating ideas to one another (maybe "想法连接"?).An explanation I gave a Chinese Paleontology student for my blogging moniker.
12 SEP 2011 by ideonexus
The Written Word Keeps Asimov Immortal
I'm gradually managing to cram my mind more and more full of things. I've got this beautiful mind and it's going to die, and it'll all be gone. And then I say, not in my case. Every idea I've ever had I've written down, and it's all there on paper. And I won't be gone; it'll be there.Because, after he dies, everything he knows will be written down.